Monday, July 24, 2017


I don't get to update as much as I would like because most times there is no time to;
Okay, Let me be more honest..because even when there's time I'm too exhausted to do it....Okay,I can do better than this, because even when there is time I'm too lazy to do it!!
So here's a recap of what has been going on and from now hence forth I'm going to be updating every week at least or everyday...Really?

1. We have started seeing real patients in clinic and so far I have been very unlucky with my patients because the very first few patients should be close friends and family members but being out of town, out of state,out of the country or should I say continent: places you almost against all the odds. So I had to depend on public patients who can be very slippery as first few weeks you are still in learning mode and the patient need to be someone very patient(Did you see what I did there?)  or someone who can tolerate your inexperience and also probably ready come back for multiple appointments. So my patients have been cancelling the appointments several times and like today the patient showed up LATE and was RUSHING me so we didn't get that far. The afternoon one ended up cancelling and I had everything set up and ready for them...No more frustrating feeling than that.

2. Mrs. Ross, one of our best instructors (She's among the 3 that found and developed the hygiene program) left last week. She was literary a walking experience and knowledge and she will be greatly missed. She went back into clinical practice. She's wished good luck and hope to meet her somewhere in the corridors of DH.

3. I QUIT my job yesterday. The job was emotionally, physically and mentally draining me so much that for the 16hrs that I was there on weekend it felt like 61hrs!!! That  way I would dread going there and would be thinking about it all day Fridays and Mondays even after I left I had serious  job related hangover..not good for a dental hygiene student taking Dental Embryo and other classes and having to hustle for patients. For now my NEW JOB is working on my small online business HERE

4. WEED FOR PATIENTS. I decided to go out giving fliers to the community in a bid to get more patients in the clinic and I managed to give out well over 150 fliers. Well, that's not the NEWS. The news is that while passing out the fliers in Downtown ERIE to some young people they made me an offer. How about I find them stressed out college kids who need to relieve school stress by smoking some of their high grade weed and then they would give me 2 patients per customer they got from me...What?!! END OF ME TALKING TO THEM>>>I WAS GONE BEFORE THEY COULD SAY ANYTHING ELSE...IF THAT'S THE WAY TO GET PATIENTS I WOULD RATHER DROP OUT OF SCHOOL THAN GET IN TROUBLE.
Thanks for reading and I hope to keep you all updated on the goings on in my program and feel free to drop a comment in the comment session below. Also if you are an hygienist share different ideas of getting more patients to my seat without someone trying to get me to do ANYTHING OUTSIDE THE LAW OR ETHICS.


  1. I really thank you for the valuable info on this great subject and look forward to more great posts. Dental work is something that just everyone needs.

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  2. Nice message with lots of information included in the posting.Please find our link
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  3. I used to have to pay my patients to come in. Some patients knowing that its a FREE cleaning would be enough incentive. Now a days many people dont have insurance so offering FREE cleanings usually helps. Great post though.
