Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Today,for the first time since we started hygiene school last year September 2016 we got to explore each others mouth in sextant 5.

Its  all easy and nice seeing the instructor demo how to do it and then have us the students try the same on the typodonts. Why?

1. Typodonts don't bleed
2. Typodonts do not give you feedback
3. Typodonts don't ouch when you prick them wrongly.
4. You can concentrate on checking your ergonomics for a second without looking whether your working end is buried deep in the tissue.5
5.Just because.

HOWEVER, when today we had our fellow classmates on the seat and it was time to explore a real, breathing,worried,overworked dental hygiene student it was the first sign that we meant real business.Boy! I even broke a sweat and my instructor cautioned me on being over gentle. It's the closest I ever got to see the explorer get buried way deep in the gingival tissue like that. Most times when you got to the hygienist for a cleaning you do not get to see what they do as you are the patient.
Well, today as soon as my clinic partner buried the explorer on the tissue I bled right away and it's a lot of bleeding.

I have been using a water pik floss which I was made to understand is as good as no flossing and so could have been one of the reasons for bleeding. I also I'm due for  bi annual cleaning which I should get soon. So from now o will use the thread floss and watch for the results.

It's been a long day with the class running from 9:30AM to 5:30PM because we had to have a Radiology class to recover a class time we missed on Presidents day or something and by the time we were taking our last bite wings I was ready to call it a day. I'm waiting to see how my last bit wing  of left molar is going to look like as I got an error message while taking it. I depressed the exposure button too quickly.
Anyone remember their first time working inside each others mouths with instruments? How was the experience?


  1. Love your blog! So, speaking of typodonts, would you recommend buying one of your own to practice on? If so, do you have any suggestions on type/brand? Thanks hygiene guy!

  2. Sorry for getting back to you this late. Our school bought them for us. I would say you can buy one for yourself in ebay for practice at home
